I have a page that lists out items according to numerous parameters ie variables with values.
problems too!!!remove_query('http://example.com/?a=valueWith**&**inside&b=value');
function remove_query($url, $which_argument=false){
return preg_replace('/'. ($which_argument ? '(\&|)'.$which_argument.'(\=(.*?)((?=&(?!amp\;))|$)|(.*?)\b)' : '(\?.*)').'/i' , '', $url);
It wouldn't work if edit=1
is the first variable:
You can use the $_GET
variable to create the query string yourself. Something like:
$qs = '';
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value){
if ($key == 'pagenum'){
// Replace page number
$qs .= $key . '=' . $new_page_num . '&';
}elseif ($key != 'edit'){
// Keep all key/values, except 'edit'
$qs .= $key . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';
I'd use http_build_query, which nicely accepts an array of parameters and formats it correctly. You'd be able to unset the edit parameter from $_GET
and push the rest of it into this function.
Note that your code has a missing call to htmlspecialchars()
. A URL can contain characters that are active in HTML. So when outputting it into a link: Escape!
Some example:
unset($_GET['edit']); // delete edit parameter;
$_GET['pagenum'] = 5; // change page number
$qs = http_build_query($_GET);
... output link here.
Here's my shot:
* Receives a URL string and a query string to remove. Returns URL without the query string
function remove_url_query($url, $key) {
$url = preg_replace('/(?:&|(\?))' . $key . '=[^&]*(?(1)&|)?/i', "$1", $url);
$url = rtrim($url, '?');
$url = rtrim($url, '&');
return $url;
remove_url_query('http://example.com?a', 'a') => http://example.com
remove_url_query('http://example.com?a=1', 'a') => http:/example.com
remove_url_query('http://example.com?a=1&b=2', 'a') => http://example.com?b=2
Kudos to David Walsh.