[EDIT] it seems the problem comes from google maps which takes some time to update the KML link...I\'m not sure, but in the end, it works...[/EDIT]
I embedded an exi
Or you can simplify it even further and use:
var URL = '[your kml url here]&ver=' + Date.now();
var georssLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(URL);
Google's servers cache the KML content for some period of time. To force the rendered KML to update, add a cache busting parameter to the URL. I usually use a function of the date/time if I need to do it programmatically, or if it is just a one time edit a manual ?a=0 and incrementing that as I make changes works.
Something like this (if you don't have any other query parameters in the URL):
var URL = filename+"?dummy="+(new Date()).getTime();