I have a Dictionary
object in VBScript. How can I copy all the objects contained in it to a new Dictionary
, i.e. create a clone/duplicate of the di
Create a new Dictionary
object, iterate through the keys in the original dictionary and adds these keys and the corresponding values to the new dictionary, like this:
Function CloneDictionary(Dict)
Dim newDict
Set newDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each key in Dict.Keys
newDict.Add key, Dict(key)
newDict.CompareMode = Dict.CompareMode
Set CloneDictionary = newDict
End Function
This should be enough in most cases. However, if your original dictionary holds objects, you'll have to implement deep cloning, that is, clone these objects as well.
Take a look at the accepted answer in VBScript: How to utiliize a dictionary object returned from a function?. Could be a solution if a reference is all that is being looked for.
Edit As per Ekkehard.Horner's comment, I understand now that this is not cloning, but may help others who are only looking for a reference to the original object.