When I run my script, I get this output:
/app/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/exthook.py:71: ExtDeprecationWarning: Importing flask.ext.sqlalchemy is
As of Flask 1.0, flask.ext
does not exist. Packages that haven't fixed these imports will not work.
First, you should care about this because the packages you're using aren't up to date. Report a bug that they should switch to using direct import names, such as flask_sqlalchemy
, rather than the flask.ext
import hook.
Add a warnings.simplefilter line to filter out these warnings. You can place it wherever you're configuring your application, before performing any imports that would raise the warning.
import warnings
from flask.exthook import ExtDeprecationWarning
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', ExtDeprecationWarning)
I cannot decide for sure from your question, but I'm pretty sure it's the imports within your source files that're causing these warnings.
If you are using the deprecated flask.ext import redirect, then for example:
flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy()
Becomes a direct import:
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy()
If you're using Linux, this one-liner will make the change in all your files and folders recursively (from ./).
Back up first to a different file path - I cannot say with certainty it will not corrupt the contents of a .git directory, or other svn you use, etc. Or just make the amendments manually.
find ./ -type f exec sed -i 's/flask.ext./flask_/g' {} \;