I\'ve been programming in PHP for several years now and never encountered this error before.
Here\'s my widget.php file:
I know the question is old, but it is still relevant.
In my experience, the "open_basedir" directive is most likely to cause this issue.
Remember that in the second case, you're specifying a path, but in the first case it uses your includes path. Perhaps rather than explicitly specifying .. in the second case, you case modify your include path.
Maybe you are in the wrong work directory. Its a bad idea to rely on it (except you explictly want to access it) anyway. Use
require __DIR__ . '/../fruit.php';
or with pre-5.3
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../fruit.php';
Remind, that paths starting with ..
, or .
are not resolved against the include-path, but only against the current work directory.
This searches for fruit.php in the same directory as widget.php is in, no matter what the current working directory is.
This searches for fruit.php in a directory above the current directory, not in the directory above the one widget.php is in.