Are tests in Jasmine 2.0 run in parallel? In my experience they aren\'t but the article , referenced by Jasmine.js: Race Conditions when using "runs" suggests tha
Jasmine does not actually run your specs in parallel in any way. It is however possible to have specs whose asynchronous portion takes long enough that the built-in time limit elapses which will cause jasmine to start running the next spec, even though there may still be code running from earlier specs.
If you want to run your test in parallel and you are using karma as a test launcher, you can use karma-parallel to split up your tests across multiple browser instances. It runs specs in different browser instances and is very simple and easy to install:
npm i karma-parallel
and then add the 'parallel' to the frameworks list in karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
frameworks: ['parallel', 'jasmine']
Disclosure: I am the author