I find the compile time warnings very useful, but I can occasionally miss them, especially if it\'s on a pull request where the tests are running on a CI server.
I like Michael Stalker's solution here.
Treating warnings as errors always can get annoying during TDD, where you might be rapidly refactoring code while running tests.
Instead, you can make the --warnings-as-errors
flag conditional on your Mix env like this:
defmodule SomeProject.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
def project do
elixirc_options: [
warnings_as_errors: treat_warnings_as_errors?(Mix.env())
# ...
defp treat_warnings_as_errors?(:test), do: false
defp treat_warnings_as_errors?(_), do: true
Warnings will go ignored when testing, but not for a dev
or prod
In your mix.exs
def project do
aliases: aliases]
defp aliases do
["compile": ["compile --warnings-as-errors"]]
Then mix compile
will pass --warnings-as-errors
to the compile.elixir
This also works for mix test
since it runs the compile
task implicitly.
If you don't add an alias, you can still run mix compile --warnings-as-errors
and it will do what you expect, but mix test --warnings-as-errors
will not do what you expect, since the flag does not reach the compile.elixir
Possible to some extent. There is a flag --warnings-as-errors
in elixirc
☁ hello_elixir [master] ⚡ elixirc
Usage: elixirc [elixir switches] [compiler switches] [.ex files]
-o The directory to output compiled files
--no-docs Do not attach documentation to compiled modules
--no-debug-info Do not attach debug info to compiled modules
--warnings-as-errors Treat warnings as errors and return non-zero exit code
--verbose Print informational messages.
** Options given after -- are passed down to the executed code
** Options can be passed to the erlang runtime using ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS
** Options can be passed to the erlang compiler using ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS
For a module like this, with a warning:
defmodule Useless do
defp another_userless, do: nil
When you compile without the flag:
☁ 01_language [master] ⚡ elixirc useless.ex
useless.ex:2: warning: function another_userless/0 is unused
☁ 01_language [master] ⚡ echo $?
You get the return code as 0.
But when you compile with the flag --warnings-as-errors
, it returns an exit code of 1.
☁ 01_language [master] ⚡ elixirc --warnings-as-errors useless.ex
useless.ex:1: warning: redefining module Useless
useless.ex:2: warning: function another_userless/0 is unused
☁ 01_language [master] ⚡ echo $?
You can use this return code in your compile script for break the build process.