Consider the following code:
partial class OurBusinessObject {
partial void OnOurPropertyChanged() {
if(ValidateOurProperty(this.OurProperty) ==
Distaste for the term 'code smell' aside, you might be right - depending on where it's coming from, silently changing the value is probably not a good thing. It would be better to ensure your value is valid instead of just reverting to the default.
I think your validation logic should raise an exception if asked to use an invalid value. If your consumer wants to use a default value, it should ask for it explicitly, either through a special, documented value or through another method.
The only kind of exceptions I can think would be forgivable would be, like, normalizing case, like in email fields to detect duplicates.
It's hard to say without knowing the context or business rules. Generally speaking though, you should just validate at time of input, and maybe once more before persistence, but the way you're doing it won't really allow you to validate since you're not allowing a property to contain an invalid value.
I'd say, implement PropertyChanging and allow the business logic to approve/deny a value, and then afterwards, throw an exception for invalid values.
This way, you don't ever have an invalid value. That, and you should never change a user's information. What if a user adds an entry to the database, and keeps track of it for his own records? Your code would re-assign the value to the default, and he's now tracking the wrong information. Its better to inform the user ASAP.
I would highly recommend refactoring it to validate before setting the property.
You could always have a method that was more like:
T GetValidValueForProperty<T>(T suggestedValue, T currentValue);
or even:
T GetValidValueForProperty<T>(string propertyName, T suggestedValue, T currentValue);
If you do that, before you set the property, you could pass it to the business logic to validate, and the business logic could return the default property value (your current behavior) OR (more reasonable in most cases), return the currentValue, so setting had no effect.
This would be used more like:
T OurProperty
return this.propertyBackingField;
this.propertyBackingField = this.GetValidValueForProperty(value, this.propertyBackingField);
It doesn't really matter what you do, but it is important to validate before you change your current value. If you change your value before you determine whether the new value is good, you're asking for trouble in the long term.
Furthermore, why in the world is this partial? Using partial classes for anything but a generated code framework is itself is a codesmell since you're likely using them to hide complexity which should be split up anyways!