I would like to write (or use if it already exits) a function in C# that returns the date/time of the next DST transition given a System.TimeZoneInfo object and a particular
Take a look at the example on this page, I think it'll get what you need.
MSDN - TransitionTime
System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime looks like a structure that can hold such time transition data, not a function that figures out the actual values. To create such a function, I would find the data online somewhere, then create values using the static CreateFloatingDateRule or CreateFixedDateRule methods.
Hello_ there. It might be too late but I will post here the code that I used for this purpose. This could possibly safe someone's time to implement it. I did it actually with the help of the link is @Jamiegs answer.
public static DateTime? GetNextTransition(DateTime asOfTime, TimeZoneInfo timeZone)
TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] adjustments = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules();
if (adjustments.Length == 0)
// if no adjustment then no transition date exists
return null;
int year = asOfTime.Year;
TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule adjustment = null;
foreach (TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule adj in adjustments)
// Determine if this adjustment rule covers year desired
if (adj.DateStart.Year <= year && adj.DateEnd.Year >= year)
adjustment = adj;
if (adjustment == null)
// no adjustment found so no transition date exists in the range
return null;
DateTime dtAdjustmentStart = GetAdjustmentDate(adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart, year);
DateTime dtAdjustmentEnd = GetAdjustmentDate(adjustment.DaylightTransitionEnd, year);
if (dtAdjustmentStart >= asOfTime)
// if adjusment start date is greater than asOfTime date then this should be the next transition date
return dtAdjustmentStart;
else if (dtAdjustmentEnd >= asOfTime)
// otherwise adjustment end date should be the next transition date
return dtAdjustmentEnd;
// then it should be the next year's DaylightTransitionStart
foreach (TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule adj in adjustments)
// Determine if this adjustment rule covers year desired
if (adj.DateStart.Year <= year && adj.DateEnd.Year >= year)
adjustment = adj;
dtAdjustmentStart = GetAdjustmentDate(adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart, year);
return dtAdjustmentStart;
public static DateTime GetAdjustmentDate(TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime transitionTime, int year)
if (transitionTime.IsFixedDateRule)
return new DateTime(year, transitionTime.Month, transitionTime.Day);
// For non-fixed date rules, get local calendar
Calendar cal = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar;
// Get first day of week for transition
// For example, the 3rd week starts no earlier than the 15th of the month
int startOfWeek = transitionTime.Week * 7 - 6;
// What day of the week does the month start on?
int firstDayOfWeek = (int)cal.GetDayOfWeek(new DateTime(year, transitionTime.Month, 1));
// Determine how much start date has to be adjusted
int transitionDay;
int changeDayOfWeek = (int)transitionTime.DayOfWeek;
if (firstDayOfWeek <= changeDayOfWeek)
transitionDay = startOfWeek + (changeDayOfWeek - firstDayOfWeek);
transitionDay = startOfWeek + (7 - firstDayOfWeek + changeDayOfWeek);
// Adjust for months with no fifth week
if (transitionDay > cal.GetDaysInMonth(year, transitionTime.Month))
transitionDay -= 7;
return new DateTime(year, transitionTime.Month, transitionDay, transitionTime.TimeOfDay.Hour, transitionTime.TimeOfDay.Minute, transitionTime.TimeOfDay.Second);
Sample usage will look like this:
// This should give you DateTime object for date 26 March 2017
// because this date is first transition date after 1 January 2017 for Central Europe Standard Time zone
DateTime nextTransitionDate = GetNextTransition(new DateTime(2017, 1, 1), TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Europe Standard Time"))
You can find the code that I played with here.