What would be the fastest and more robust (in terms of uniqueness) way for implementing a method like
public abstract String hash(String[] values);
It doesn't provide a 64 bit hash, but given the title of the question it's probably worth mentioning that since Java 1.7 there is java.util.Objects#hash(Object...).
Definitely don't use plain addition due to its linearity properties, but you can modify your code just slightly to achieve very good dispersion.
public String hash(String[] values) {
long result = 17;
for (String v:values) result = 37*result + v.hashCode();
return String.valueOf(result);
First, hash code is typically numeric, e.g. int
. Moreover your version of hash function create int and then makes its string representation that IMHO does not have any sense.
I'd improve your hash method as following:
public int hash(String[] values) {
long result = 0;
for (String v:values) {
result = result * 31 + v.hashCode();
return result;
Take a look on hashCode()
implemented in class java.lang.String
You should watch out for creating weaknesses when combining methods. (The java hash function and your own). I did a little research on cascaded ciphers, and this is an example of it. (the addition might interfere with the internals of hashCode().
The internals of hashCode() look like this:
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
h = 31*h + val[off++];
so adding numbers together will cause the last characters of all strings in the array to just be added, which doesn't lower the randomness (this is already bad enough for a hash function).
If you want real pseudorandomness, take a look at the FNV hash algorithm. It is the fastest hash algorithm out there that is especially designed for use in HashMaps.
It goes like this:
long hash = 0xCBF29CE484222325L;
for(String s : strings)
hash ^= s.hashCode();
hash *= 0x100000001B3L;
^ This is not the actual implementation of FNV as it takes ints as input instead of bytes, but I think it works just as well.
Here is the simple implementation using Objects class available from Java 7.
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash(this.variable1, this.variable2);