I am trying (again) to set up authentications with Rails 4, devise and omniauth.
I tried to follow the example in this post: Rails 4, Devise, Omniauth (with multiple
There is a gem called dom that was made exclusively to manage Devise with multiple providers. It makes things deadly simple!
Also, I think you should read these articles. I'm sure you can solve all your questions with them:
Devise comes with an out of the box solution for integration with omniuth. You can checkout these urls: 1. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-devise-and-omniauth-for-your-rails-application This one shows integration with DigitalOcean but can be extended to others. 2. https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/OmniAuth%3A-Overview This one is from devise wiki
Hope it helps