Skipping elements in a List Python

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-01-17 13:28

I\'m new to programming and I\'m trying to do the problems to start. I came across this problem:

Given an array calculate the sum except when there is

  • 2021-01-17 13:50

    I think this is the most compact solution:

    def triskaidekaphobicSum(sequence):
        return sum(sequence[i] for i in range(len(sequence))
                   if sequence[i] != 13 and (i == 0 or sequence[i-1] != 13))

    This uses the builtin sum() function on a generator expression. The generator produces all the elements in the sequence as long as they are not 13, or immediately following a 13. The extra "or" condition is to handle the first item in the sequence (which has no previous item).

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  • 2021-01-17 13:55

    One tricky thing to notice is something like this: [1, 13, 13, 2, 3]

    You need to skip 2 too

    def getSum(l):
        sum = 0
        skip = False
        for i in l:
             if i == 13:
                 skip = True
             if skip:
                 skip = False
             sum += i
        return sum


    You go through the items in the list one by one

    Each time you

    • First check if it's 13, if it is, then you mark skip as True, so that you can also skip next item.
    • Second, you check if skip is True, if it is, which means it's a item right after 13, so you need to skip this one too, and you also need to set skip back to False so that you don't skip next item.
    • Finally, if it's not either case above, you add the value up to sum
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  • 2021-01-17 13:57

    Use a while loop to walk through the list, incrementing i manually. On each iteration, if you encounter a 13, increment i twice; otherwise, add the value to a running sum and increment i once.

    def skip13s(l):
        i = 0
        s = 0
        while (i < len(l)):
            if l[i] == 13:
                i += 1
                s += l[i]
            i += 1
        return s
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  • 2021-01-17 14:05

    Some FP-style :)

    def add_but_skip_13_and_next(acc, x):
        prev, sum_ = acc
        if prev != 13 and x != 13:
            sum_ += x
        return x, sum_
    filter_and_sum = lambda l: reduce(add_but_skip_13_and_next, l, (0,0))[1]
    >>> print filter_and_sum([13,13,1,4])
    >>> print filter_and_sum([1,2,13,5,13,13,-9,13,13,13,13,13,1,1])

    This code works for any iterator, even it not provide the random access (direct indexing) - socket for example :)

    Oneliner :)

    >>> filter_and_sum = lambda l: reduce(
    ...     lambda acc, x: (x, acc[1] + (x if x != 13 and acc[0] != 13 else 0)),
    ...     l, (0,0))[1]
    >>> print filter_and_sum([1,2,13,5,13,13,-9,13,13,13,13,13,1,1])
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  • 2021-01-17 14:08

    You can use the zip function to loop the values in pairs:

    def special_sum(numbers):
        s = 0
        for (prev, current) in zip([None] + numbers[:-1], numbers):
            if prev != 13 and current != 13:
                s += current
        return s

    or you can do a oneliner:

    def special_sum(numbers):
        return sum(current for (prev, current) in zip([None] + numbers[:-1], numbers)
                   if prev != 13 and current != 13)

    You can also use iterators:

    from itertools import izip, chain
    def special_sum(numbers):
        return sum(current for (prev, current) in izip(chain([None], numbers), numbers)
                   if prev != 13 and current != 13)

    (the first list in the izip is longer than the second, zip and izip ignore the extra values).

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  • 2021-01-17 14:09
    def skipAndAddFun(inputVal, skipList):
       sum = 0
       for i in inputVal:
            if not i in skipList:
                sum += i
        return sum


    skipAndAddFun([1,2,13,5,1], [13, 5])

    This simple function will be a generic solution for your question.

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