If I had the following ruby hash:
environments = {
\'testing\' => \'\',
\'production\' => \'\'
How wou
You would use brackets:
environments = {
'testing' => '',
'production' => ''
myString = 'testing'
environments[myString] # => ''
It looks like you want to exec
that last line, as it's obviously a shell command rather than Ruby code. You don't need to interpolate twice; once will do:
exec("rsync -ar root@#{environments['testing']}:/htdocs/")
Or, using the variable:
exec("rsync -ar root@#{environments[current_environment]}:/htdocs/")
Note that the more Ruby way is to use Symbols rather than Strings as the keys:
environments = {
:testing => '',
:production => ''
current_environment = :testing
exec("rsync -ar root@#{environments[current_environment]}:/htdocs/")