I\'m using ng-show
with an expression that resolves to a promise that resolves to a boolean. When I do this I get the 10 digest iterations overflow.
Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/NvjP5qHafhyIWXXotBej?p=preview
This works as I think you intended it to. $q.when()
returns a promise object, so ng-show
is not getting a boolean value; it's getting a promise object.
Updated template:
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<p ng-show="returnsABoolean()">non promise</p>
<p ng-show="returnsAPromiseThatResolvesToABoolean">promise</p>
Updated Ctrl:
$scope.returnsABoolean = ()->
promise = $q.when(false)
promise.then((val) ->
$scope.returnsAPromiseThatResolvesToABoolean = val)
AngularJS resolves the promise for template binding automatically. However, you should use the promise in ng-init
to prevent the digest cycle from returning a new promise every tick.
<p ng-init="v=returnsAPromiseThatResolvesToABoolean()" ng-show="v">promise</p>
If you check out the sources here you 'll see that the promise is resolved in nextTick
, so the $scope
only changes the next time angular makes a $digest
cycle. But your function returns a new promise on every $digest
cycle, never actually getting the resolved value of the previous promise.
It's an old problem discussed here also.
You can overcome this issue by keeping a "persistent" reference to your promise outside the function as I did here.