I\'m aware of this question, but what I would like to do is obtain something close to this generated SQL:
select MAX(C
Try removing the let
statements - the below produces expected results:
var q = from d in db.Table
where d.Id == 1
group d by d.Id into g
select new
Id = g.Key, // shown for illustrative purposes
ColumnMin = g.Min( gi => gi.Column ),
ColumnMax = g.Max( gi => gi.Column )
var result = q.SingleOrDefault();
Resulting SQL:
[GroupBy1].[K1] AS [Id],
[GroupBy1].[A1] AS [C1],
[GroupBy1].[A2] AS [C2]
[Extent1].[Id] AS [K1],
MIN([Extent1].[Column]) AS [A1],
MAX([Extent1].[Column]) AS [A2]
FROM [dbo].[Table] AS [Extent1]
WHERE 1 = [Extent1].[Id]
GROUP BY [Extent1].[Id]
) AS [GroupBy1]
var query = from d in db.Table
where d.Id == 1
d.Max(t =>t.yourColName),
d.Min(t =>t.yourColName)