I installed Xcode 8.1 and the storyboard shows only blue lines, for all UI elements. If someone has figured it out let me know. I am unable to revert it to even Xcode 8.0.
Had a similar issue (only blue lines without details rendering) when upgrading Xcode without restarting the Mac. Killing the simulator fixed it:
sudo killall -9 com.apple.CoreSimulator.CoreSimulatorService
I had a similar problem in XCode 11, in my case even the view controllers was completely black. The problem was a Custom Class assigned to an UIButton. After a while i deleted the class because i didn't need it anymore, but the Button still had the class assigned.
Open the particular storyboard file, delete the assignment in Identity Inspector, restart Xcode. This fixed it for me.
Don't worry revert back to old xcode
To remove the blue lines,
First, select a view controller in the storyboard.
Then, go to Editor > Canvas > Show Bounds Rectangles
This will hide the blue lines.
You may have to repeat this 2 or 3 times to make it work.
I had this same issue when I had upgraded to Mojave and then installed an older Xcode (10.1) version. To fix I deleted all Xcode (10.2/10.1) versions and then installed Xcode 10 and it fixed the issue.
Ok, So finally I too got the blue line problem in Xcode 8.1
Here is the screenshot
We can see the error message:
An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited
with a Report a Bug button on the right side.
Don't know why it happened. But I just quit Xcode and Simulator and restarted it. That fixed it and I got the UI elements back.
Seeing the blue rectangles is actually a feature of Xcode editor. You can turn this On/Off by going to Editor menu->Canvas->Show Bounds Rectangles
But yes, seeing just the blue boxes seems to be a bug. Usually happens if you have been switching between various versions of Xcode frequently. I guess quitting and reopening Xcode shall resolve this temporary issue.