If i\'d like to use the \"Controller as ...\" syntax in Angular, how should I approach things like $scope.$on(...) that i need to put inside the controller?
I get a
Inject $scope
and your controller is accessible by whatever you named it
.state('my-state', {
controller: 'MyCtrl',
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {
var $this = this;
$scope.$on('ctrl.data', function(new, old) {
// whatevs
$timeout(function() {
$this.data = 'changed';
}, 1000);
As far as I know, you need to inject $scope if you want $scope watchers/methods. ControllerAs is just syntactic sugar to enable to see more clearly the structure of your nested controllers.
Three ideas though which may simplify your code.
Use var vm = this, in order to get rid of the bind(this).
var vm = this;
vm.whereAmINow = "/";
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event) {
vm.whereAmINow = $location.path();
vm.jumpTo = function(where) {
The whole whereamINow variable makes sense putting it into the initialization of app aka .run() (before config) since I assume it's a global variable and you don't need to use a $scope watcher/method for it.
Another option is to use a factory to make the changes persist, so you simply create a location factory which holds the current active path.
Ok, i think people just do the same, just as in this question:
Replace $scope with "'controller' as" syntax