I\'m trying to debug the native code in the \"csipsimple\" android app using the Debug As->Android Native Application
option. I used this tutorial to do it.
Do you use the info, warn, etc. functions to log messages in any of your Android.mk files? Like $(info my-log-message)
It looks like your do and it's logging the string:
Android NDK: Uses local settings
If so, remove them all and try again.
After getting this to work, and then re-creating my app to see what works, I have found the following:
in the AndroidManifest.xml, you have to set min/target SDK version to match that of your phone.
[jc@jc-u13:anotherJniDebugTest]$ adb shell getprop|grep build.version
[ro.build.version.codename]: [REL]
[ro.build.version.incremental]: [5c6c6b0b1b]
[ro.build.version.release]: [4.3.1]
**[ro.build.version.sdk]: [18]**
therefore, my manifest versions had to be 18. If i had my version set to 17, i would get the above error
For NDK R9 (works in others too but line# may differ):
line 138
add "#" at start of the line.
# $(call __ndk_info,WARNING: APP_PLATFORM $(APP_PLATFORM) is larger than \
android:minSdkVersion $(APP_MIN_PLATFORM_LEVEL) in $(APP_MANIFEST))
One character, 30 second fix ... go debug native code.