I\'m trying to achieve something very straightforward:
I had a similar issue with angular 1.3.14
and ui-select
and a multiple-choice ui-select
directive binding to an array. I was not able to bind the selected items to an array referred to in ng-model
I got it to work by wrapping selectedItems
into an object:
$scope.myObj = { selectedItems : []};
<ui-select ng-model="myObj.selectedItems" ...>
Putting selectedItems
directly on the $scope
didn't work for me.
I am having the similar issue for angularjs 1.4. In one controller ng-model value get update. But using the same way on other page it does not work. Following are my codes
var ctrl = this; ctrl.filters = {}; ctrl.filters.country = $rootScope.lUPro.RM_Country.split(","); $(".country_select2").select2().val(ctrl.filters.country).trigger('change');
Select box is
$comint->CountrySelectBox(array("name"=>"country[]", "class"=>"country_select2 form-control", "id" => "req_country", "ng-model" => "ctrl.filters.country","multiple" =>"multiple"));
Not Working:
var prectrl = this; prectrl.preferenceformdata = {}; var pf = {}; pf.country = $rootScope.lUPro.RM_Country.split(","); prectrl.preferenceformdata = pf; $(".rm_country_select2").select2().val(prectrl.preferenceformdata.country).trigger('change');
Select box:
$comint->CountrySelectBox(array("name"=>"country[]","class"=>"country_select2 form-control","id" => "req_country","ng-model"=>"prectrl.preferenceformdata.country","multiple" =>"multiple"));
So work around i am using to update value in ng-model variable:
$(".country_select2").select2().val(prectrl.preferenceformdata.country) .trigger('change').on("change", function(e){ var values = $(this).val(); $scope.$apply(function(){prectrl.preferenceformdata.country = values;}); });
Initializing an empty object just like @Rado mentioned fixed it for me on this structure:
<ui-select ng-model="reportFilterStatus.selected" title="Filtrar status">
<ui-select-match placeholder="Filtra un estatus">
<ui-select-choices repeat="status in filterStatusOptions | filter: $select.search">
<small ng-bind-html="status | highlight: $select.search"></small>
<span ng-bind-html="statuse | highlight: $select.search"></span>
For me it was the that was not updating the text and I used it like so:
$timeout(function () {
$('#ownerdetail').delay(0).animate({opacity: 1}, 100);
$('#selectdcontact').selectmenu().selectmenu('refresh'); //This solves it
$('#selectdcust').selectmenu().selectmenu('refresh'); //This solves it
I solved this by putting ng-init for that model after </ui-select>
on the next div.
<div class="col-md-6" ng-init="company-stack=null">
I'm having similar issues, seems angular-ui-select#0.7 requires angular#1.2.* to work properly at this moment.