for R is part of what package?
I get:
\"Error: could not find function \"laply\"\".
Try typing:
And you'll see at the top of the documentation:
The message "Could not find function laply" is not surprising if, as here, you mis-spelled it with one "p", instead of two.
EDIT: as others pointed out, the plyr package provides laply; you need to clarify your question.
A useful way to find functions that are somewhere in some contributed package on CRAN is
(of course, the first command is only necessary once per R installation ...)
In this case, you get
> findFn("laply")
found 5 matches
and a web page opens in your web browser that shows you (as stated above) that there is an laply
function in the plyr
Of course, findFn()
is much more broadly useful -- for example, you could try findFn("compositional data analysis")
(if that was what you were interested in).
you are missing the package plyr. install:
is a function in Hadley's "plyr" package. The convention is that the first letter refers to the input class and the second letter refers to the output class so laply
takes a list and returns an array.
Edit: Now that the question has changed the answer is now the base package. (But if the error message was as posted it did imply a misspelling.)