The Sudzc generated code is over writing a dictionary for deserialized nodes. If I use the NSLog(@\"The Child Node: %@\", [[[element children] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]
I'm uncertain on how you applied your fix, are you replacing the entire code in deserializeAsDictionary or are you appending to the end of the code?
see there's a for loop where the code line
[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]];
is found, so I'm guessing you simply extended that so that instead of closing the for loop you simply extend it here, is this right?
Solved (changed the soap.m):
[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]];
NSString* key = [child name];
id check = [d objectForKey:key];
if( check != nil ) {
NSInteger next = 1;
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%d", [child name], next];
check = [d objectForKey:key];
while( check != nil ) {
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%d", [child name], next];
check = [d objectForKey:key];
[d setObject:v forKey:key];
[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]];
I found that you have to put an else block in as well:
if( check != nil ) {
NSInteger next = 1;
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%04d", [child name], next];
check = [d objectForKey:key];
while( check != nil ) {
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%04d", [child name], next];
check = [d objectForKey:key];
[d setObject:v forKey:key];
} else {
[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]];
//End Extension
Otherwise elements in 'd' will be overwritten because setObject is called twice.
as soon as I get enough rep points I will, but I did notice that the code begins and ends with
[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]];
and for me I had to remove the initial line, and that fixed it for me, so the code looks like this:
// Deserializes the element in a dictionary.
+(id)deserializeAsDictionary:(CXMLNode*)element {
if([element childCount] == 1) {
CXMLNode* child = [[element children] objectAtIndex:0];
if([child kind] == CXMLTextKind) {
return [[[element children] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue];
NSMutableDictionary* d = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for(CXMLNode* child in [element children]) {
id v = [Soap deserialize:child];
if(v == nil) { v = [NSNull null]; }
//[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]]; //seems to be duped (maybe my bad)
//Extended by iDev on StackOverflow
NSString* key = [child name];
id check = [d objectForKey:key];
if( check != nil ) {
NSInteger next = 1;
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%04d", [child name], next];
check = [d objectForKey:key];
while( check != nil ) {
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%04d", [child name], next];
check = [d objectForKey:key];
[d setObject:v forKey:key];
[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]];
//End Extension
return d;
I was having issues with the above code - it was overwriting the first entry each time - ie I would get a list of 4 items and the first and fourth would be duplicated.
After a lot of exhausting stepping thru code (love recursive code NOT), I found what I believe was the issue;
My code is as follows:
if( check != nil ) {
NSInteger next = 1;
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%04d", [child name], next];
check = [d objectForKey:key];
while( check != nil ) {
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%04d", [child name], next];
check = [d objectForKey:key];
[d setObject:v forKey:key];
[d setObject:v forKey:[child name]];