I saw there is an answered question about whether there is a difference between using $(document).ready(function(){})
and $(function(){})
(there is
You can use either, $(function() {})
is just a shortcut that does exactly the same thing.
Personally, I prefer $(function() { })
because...well, I type it a lot, and it's much quicker.
I see a lot of questions of why $(document).load()
doesn't work and such because they're not using the right event...I also think$(func)
takes some ambiguity out, to me. Do whichever you prefer, what's clearer to you and your team is the best choice here.
I believe the authors of jQuery recommend using $(document).ready(function(){...});
since it makes your code more transparent.
I find that $(function() {});
is just simpler and saves a few characters. Like you said, it doesn't matter. I think the more important things to worry about are your design patterns for your javascript. They can impact performance, readability, and simplicity.
I use $(document).ready(function(){});
despite the additional typing. I just prefer having that in my code to remind me exactly when the code is going to run, and for the ability to search for 'ready' to find those sections. It's the same functionality, and I normally take shortcuts, but in this case I don't.