DIM objConn
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.Connection\")
objConn.ConnectionString = \"Data Source=123.123
Some answers have suggested wrapping logic into functions there is no need for this.
It's just a lot of fluff that isn't needed, just use the ADODB.Command
object. There are hundreds of ways to approach this but a method I have found to work time and again is let the ADODB.Command
object do the work then return your results into an Array
using .GetRows()
method of the ADODB.Recordset
That way you can close off both the ADODB.Recordset
and ADODB.Command
objects quickly and work just with the Array
Dim conn, cmd, rs, sql, data, search
'Assume value to query comes from a Request Collection.
search = Request("myvalue") & ""
conn = "Data Source=,1234;Database=DatabaseName;User Id=Usernm;Password=abcd1234;"
sql = "select from mytable where this = ?"
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
With cmd
'No need to handle connection let ADODB.Command create and destory it.
.ActiveConnection = conn
.CommandType = adCmdText
.CommandText = sql
.Parameters.Append(.CreateParameter("@myparam", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 50))
.Parameters("@myparam").Value = search
Set rs = .Execute()
If Not rs.EOF Then data = rs.GetRows()
Call rs.Close()
Set rs = Nothing
End with
Set cmd = Nothing
'ADODB.Connection is closed when ADODB.Command is destroyed.
If IsArray(data) Then
rows = UBound(data, 2)
For row = 0 To rows
'Return first column of the current row
Call Response.Write("First Column of Row " & row & " is '" & data(0, row) & "'<br />"
Call Response.Write("No records")
End If
Dim rs, dbConn
Function OpenDB()
Set dbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dbConn.ConnectionTimeout = 300
dbConn.CommandTimeout = 300
dbConn.Open "Data Source=,1234;Database=DatabaseName;User Id=Usernm;Password=abcd1234;"
End Function
Function CloseDB()
Set rs = Nothing
if ucase(TypeName(dbConn)) = "CONNECTION" then
Set dbConn = Nothing
end if
End Function
Function OpenRecordSet(recset, tablename)
Call OpenDB()
Set recset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
recset.Open tablename, dbConn, 0, 1
End Function
Function CloseRecordSet(recset)
Set recset = Nothing
Call CloseDB()
End Function
Then use
Call OpenDB()
sql = "select from mytable where this = 'that'"
Set rs = dbConn.Execute(sql)
if not rs.EOF then
' do your stuff!
end if
Call CloseDB()