Let\'s say I want to write a function that validates an email address with a regex. I write a little test to check my function and write the actual function. Make it pass.
As @Paul mentioned several test frameworks support RowTests. Using that feature you can write something as monstrous as this:
[TestCase ("test@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x!x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x#x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x$x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x%x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x&x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x'x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x*x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x+x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x-x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x/x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x=x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x?x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x^x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x_x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x`x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x{x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x{x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x|x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x}x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("x~x@test.com", true)]
[TestCase ("test", false)]
[TestCase ("", false)]
[TestCase (null, false)]
public void IsEmail_Should_Match_Valid_Email_Addresses(string target, bool result)
Assert.AreEqual(result, target.IsEmail());
Or you could do the same with a bunch of asserts. It's common to assert multiple properties on an object after performing some action. I think the above solution is more readable though.