Staring JBoss server from within Eclipse Ganymede gives me the following problem: \"Server JBoss v4.0 at localhost was unable to start within 120 seconds. If the server requ
Try the following:-
You may check whether you are running Jboss version 4.0.4 or version 4.2.2. You might get this error when you have installed Jboss 4.2.2 but configured Jboss 4.0.4 in Eclipse.
Remove all eclipse breakpoint in the debug view, and the jboss will quickly start.
In my Eclipse with Jboss Tools, that ocurred too, I change the "Host name", on General information of JbossServer, from my machine name to
Thanks, this works fine!
I had the same issue and corrected it by modifying a "server.xml" file in the jboss folders.
I modified '<Connector port="8080"' by '<Connector port="server port defined in Eclipse"'
Increasing the timeout doesn't solve the problem. Eclipse never recognizes that the server has started (not sure if that's a big deal), just irritated me. I had this problem for weeks and finally figured out that (at least for me) the host name and address had to be identical. I had hostname:localhost; address"" and it would not work. I changed both to and voila!
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