I used singleton pattern to get jdbc connection for my standalone application. The code is as following.
public static synchronized MysqlConnect getDbCon() {
Here's a simple, singleton based implementation of a connection pool. This connection pool supports getting a connection using either the DriverManager interface or via a DataSource (JNDI).
I use this connection pool for some of my projects (though the actual implementation is slightly more complex)
public class ConnectionPool{
private String jdbcDriver;
private String jdbcURL;
private String user;
private String password;
private int connectionCount=10;
private List<Connection> connections;
private static boolean loadFromDataSource;
private static DataSource dataSource;
private static ConnectionPool connPool;
private ConnectionPool() throws EasyORMException{}
private void setConnection(String jdbcDriver, String jdbcURL, String user, String password,String dbDataSource) throws EasyORMException{
this.jdbcDriver = jdbcDriver;
connections= new ArrayList<Connection>();
connections.add((ConnectionPool.loadFromDataSource) ? getConnectionFromDataSource() : getConnection());
static ConnectionPool getInstance(){
return connPool;
private static ConnectionPool getInstanceFromJndi(String propertyFile,boolean loadFromJndi) throws EasyORMException{
ConnectionProp cp=readPropFromFile(propertyFile);
return ConnectionPool.createConnectionPool(cp.getJdbcDriver(),cp.getDbURL(), cp.getUsername(), cp.getPassword(),cp.getDataSource())
public static ConnectionPool getInstance(String propertyFile,boolean loadFromJndi) throws EasyORMException{
return ConnectionPool.getInstanceFromJndi(propertyFile, loadFromJndi, false);
public static ConnectionPool getInstance(ConnectionProp cp) throws EasyORMException{
return ConnectionPool.createConnectionPool(cp.getJdbcDriver(),cp.getDbURL(), cp.getUsername(), cp.getPassword(),cp.getDataSource());
public static ConnectionPool getInstance(String jndiName) throws EasyORMException{
return ConnectionPool.createConnectionPool(null,null, null, null,jndiName);
public static ConnectionPool getInstance(String jdbcDriver, String jdbcURL, String user, String password) throws EasyORMException{
return ConnectionPool.createConnectionPool(jdbcDriver,jdbcURL, user, password,null);
private static ConnectionPool createConnectionPool(String jdbcDriver, String jdbcURL, String user, String password,String dbDataSource) throws EasyORMException{
if(connPool==null) {
connPool = new ConnectionPool();
connPool.setConnection(jdbcDriver, jdbcURL, user, password, dbDataSource);
return connPool;
synchronized Connection getAvailableConnection() throws EasyORMException {
Connection conn=null;
int connSize = connections.size();
for(int i=0;i<initialConnCount;i++)
conn=(ConnectionPool.loadFromDataSource)?getConnectionFromDataSource() :getConnection();
throw new EasyORMException(EasyORMException.CONNECTION_NUM_EXCEEDED);
return conn;
synchronized void returnConnection(Connection conn){
private Connection getConnection() throws EasyORMException {
Connection conn=null;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL, user, password);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new EasyORMException(e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new EasyORMException(e);
return conn;
private Connection getConnectionFromDataSource() throws EasyORMException {
return dataSource.getConnection();
}catch(SQLException e){
throw new EasyORMException(e);
public void setNumberOfConnections(int count){
public int getNumberOfConnections(){
return connectionCount;
private static DataSource createDatasource(String jndiDb)throws EasyORMException{
InitialContext initCtx=null;
try {
initCtx = new InitialContext();
return (DataSource)initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/"+jndiDb);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new EasyORMException(e);
try {
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new EasyORMException(e);
Some methods don't have public access (because they're written as part of a library) but you can change them to public if you need to.