In R we use ifelse(test, yes, no) command. The problem which i am facing is if a codiation comes out to be true i need to perform various statement, for example
This works:
a <- "01"
ifelse(a=="01", d <- c(sum(b),sum(c)), d <- 0)
#[1] 21 2616
a <- "02"
ifelse(a=="01", d <- c(sum(b),sum(c)), d <-0)
#[1] 0
You can use the & ('and') statement. You also need to alocate the sum to the variable, like this:
a <- "01"
b <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
c <- c(12,13,1234,1334,23)
d <- ifelse(a=="01",( (b <- sum(b)) & (c <- sum(c)) ),0)