I really need some help with the specific assignment. The user inputs birth data (YYYY MM DD) and the program tells you how old you are in days :
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Use the DateFormat class which you can utilize the .parse() on the input. Which gives you a Date class which then has .getTime() which returns the number of milliseconds. Then create a new Date class and subtract the .getTime() milliseconds. Convert to Days.
Date birth = DateFormat.parse(inputString);
Date now = new Date();
long diff = now.getTime() - now.getTime();
int days = ((((diff / 1000) / 60) / 60) / 24)
EDIT: According to the code you listed below, you should just be able to do
Scanner input=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print ("Enter birth date (yyyy/mm/dd): ");
String yourBirthDay=input.nextLine();
Date birth = DateFormat.parse(yourBirthDay);
Date now = new Date();
long diff = now.getTime() - now.getTime();
int days = ((((diff / 1000) / 60) / 60) / 24)
In Java 8 and later, you could use the java.time classes such as ChronoUnit and LocalDate. Perhaps not appropriate to a homework assignment though.
long days = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between( LocalDate.parse( "1981-11-06" ) , LocalDate.now( ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" ) ) ) ;
Have you considered the Calendar class? It has functions for parsing dates from strings and comparing them.
Well, when I imported the needed class, it worked just fine:
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
The error Eclipse gave you is probably because you didn't import the correct classes.
A little hint: use ctrl + shift + o
to add missing imports in eclipse