Object destructuring syntax - ES6

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臣服心动 2021-01-17 06:21

I had been through array destructuring syntax, which is well understood.

What exactly are we doing below, when we say var {p, q} = o;?


  • 2021-01-17 06:54
        var o = {p: 42, q: true};
         var {p, q} = o;

    Here, var {p,q} = o is just a shorthand for var {p:p , q:q} = o

    Consider this.

          var o = { key : "value" };
          var { key : local_var } = o ;
          local_var === o["key"] // true

    If you omit the local_var, and write var {key} = o; a new variable key will be created with the idenifier "key"., same like doing var key = o["key"]

    So in your example that's like doing

          var p =  o["p"] ;  //42
           var q = o["q"];   //true
           var a = o["a"];  // undefined
           var b = o["b"];   //undefined

    This may not be exactly true, but should help you understand it.
    It's kind of something like Pattern Matching that other languages provide, but it's different.

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  • 2021-01-17 06:58

    That's because using your syntax for object destructing, the names used in the LHS expression ({a, b}) are used as keys into the RHS expression (o). Since a and b are not properties of o, that fails (returns undefined).

    The relevant section in the spec for this is in Runtime Semantics: DestructingAssignmentEvaluation under AssignmentProperty : IdentifierReference Initializer (2nd from last). AssignmentProperty are your a (and b... separately), and. The StringValue of a is 'a' and that is used as a key to get a value from o (equivalent o['a'] in this case).

    It would work if you'd do:

    var {p:a, q:b} = o;

    which uses AssignmentProperty : PropertyName : AssignmentElement (last entry) which uses a propery name (p) AND an assignment element (a).

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