I have used this tutorial them same way in my application: http://www.benmccann.com/hibernate-with-jpa-annotations-and-guice/
My app is JAX-RS web service which will
The problem was that my endpoint was annotated with @Singleton so it reused the same EntityManager during concurrent calls. After removing @Singleton, during concurrent calls, different EntityManager objects are used. If endpoint calls are subsequent, it may be that previous/old EntityManager will be used.
Highly simplified example:
public class ItemsService {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public void saveItem(){
entityManager.persist(new Item());
First of all, what kind of EntityManager are you using? Looking at your code I suposse this kind is Application-Managed EntityManager. It would be important for you to understand the different types of EntityManager.
Please see: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnbqw.html
Basing on this, you need to create an EntityManagerFactory object and then create an EntityManager object.
Basic Example:
private static EntityManagerFactory emf;
EntityManager em = null;
public static EntityManagerFactory getEmf(){
if(emf == null){
emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("nameOfYourPersistenceUnit");
return emf;
em = getEmf().createEntityManager();
If it says that the transaction is already open, that means that it was open by another process and not closed ...
I suggest to use @Transactionl instead of Writing :
That will manage the things for you ...
so for you it will be this way :
public void saveItem(){
entityManager.persist(new Item());
Hope that's help