I have the following requirements:
I need a scrollable JTextPane. The user may type into this text pane, or text may be inserted into it that is not typed by the us
You're going to have to modify the KeyBindings
Try this to start with
InputMap im = textArea.getInputMap(WHEN_FOCUSED);
ActionMap am = textArea.getActionMap();
Now that you have that working, you need to worry about all these
selection-up = shift pressed UP
caret-next-word = ctrl pressed RIGHT
selection-previous-word = shift ctrl pressed LEFT
selection-up = shift pressed KP_UP
caret-down = pressed DOWN
caret-previous-word = ctrl pressed LEFT
caret-end-line = pressed END
selection-page-up = shift pressed PAGE_UP
caret-up = pressed KP_UP
delete-next = pressed DELETE
caret-begin = ctrl pressed HOME
selection-backward = shift pressed LEFT
caret-end = ctrl pressed END
delete-previous = pressed BACK_SPACE
selection-next-word = shift ctrl pressed RIGHT
caret-backward = pressed LEFT
caret-backward = pressed KP_LEFT
selection-forward = shift pressed KP_RIGHT
delete-previous = ctrl pressed H
unselect = ctrl pressed BACK_SLASH
insert-break = pressed ENTER
selection-begin-line = shift pressed HOME
caret-forward = pressed RIGHT
selection-page-left = shift ctrl pressed PAGE_UP
selection-down = shift pressed DOWN
page-down = pressed PAGE_DOWN
delete-previous-word = ctrl pressed BACK_SPACE
delete-next-word = ctrl pressed DELETE
selection-backward = shift pressed KP_LEFT
selection-page-right = shift ctrl pressed PAGE_DOWN
caret-next-word = ctrl pressed KP_RIGHT
selection-end-line = shift pressed END
caret-previous-word = ctrl pressed KP_LEFT
caret-begin-line = pressed HOME
caret-down = pressed KP_DOWN
selection-forward = shift pressed RIGHT
selection-end = shift ctrl pressed END
selection-previous-word = shift ctrl pressed KP_LEFT
selection-down = shift pressed KP_DOWN
insert-tab = pressed TAB
caret-up = pressed UP
selection-begin = shift ctrl pressed HOME
selection-page-down = shift pressed PAGE_DOWN
delete-previous = shift pressed BACK_SPACE
caret-forward = pressed KP_RIGHT
selection-next-word = shift ctrl pressed KP_RIGHT
page-up = pressed PAGE_UP
What if you let user place caret e.g. to let him select and copy some text?
I would add a DocumentFilter (or override insertString() method of the Document) and in all cases perform insert in the doc.getLength() position and resetting the caret to the doc.getLength() position after the insert.