I have code that puts together data from many tables regarding a users response to all questions of a specific lesson. Responses look like this:
You can use dynamic SQL to solve this problem -- or if it is just for one set of data write it by hand. In both cases you are going to end up with something that looks like this:
SELECT R1.userid, R1.lesson,
R1.response as loc_nameA_resp, R1.lable as loc_nameA_labl, R1.weight as loc_nameA_weig, R1.duration_seconds as loc_nameA_dura,
R2.response as loc_nameB_resp, R2.lable as loc_nameB_labl, R2.weight as loc_nameB_weig, R2.duration_seconds as loc_nameB_dura,
--- etc for each question
FROM user U
JOIN response R1 on R1.userid = u.userid and R1.lesson = 'first' and R1.question = 'loc_nameA'
JOIN response R2 on R2.userid = u.userid and R2.lesson = 'first' and R2.question = 'loc_nameB'
--- etc for each question
U.userid = 'bob' -- this does not need to be bob, whatever user you want.
Here you go, tested and everything.
DECLARE @sqlSelectList varchar(max);
DECLARE @sqlJoinList varchar(max);
SELECT @sqlSelectList = '', @sqlJoinList='';
WITH Questions AS
FROM ResultsChoices
SELECT -- We use the question as the alias for join uniqueness,
-- We could increment a number but why bother?
@sqlJoinList = @sqlJoinList +
' JOIN ResultsChoices '+question+' on '+question+'.userid = u.userid and '+question+'.question = '''+question+'''',
@sqlSelectList = @sqlSelectList +
', '+question+'.response as '+question+'_resp, '+question+'.label as '+question+'_labl, '+question+'.weight as '+question+'_weig, '+question+'.duration_seconds as '+question+'_dura '
FROM Questions;
SET @sql = N'SELECT DISTINCT u.userid ' + @sqlSelectList + N' FROM #ResultsChoices u ' + @sqlJoinList;
EXEC sp_executesql @sql