I\'m a beginner about Inno Setup.
I want create an installer which copy two .exe files and append a value to the PATH environment variable.
Particularly I have t
When you want to break a section entry to multiple lines for readability, you have to add \
at the end of the lines to escape the new-line character(s). A good practice is also to indent the lines, to make it clear to a human reader.
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"; \
ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "PATH"; ValueData: "{olddata};{pf}\pandocX64"; \
Check: NeedsAddPath('{pf}\pandocX64')
Otherwise the Inno Setup compiler treats each line as a separate, and consequently an incomplete, entry.
I've corrected the answer to How do I modify the PATH environment variable when running an Inno Setup Installer? to include the \