I am building a widget on Shiny, and I would like to have the option \"all\" to select all of the data available, and don\'t perform a filtering.
Basically, I would
Something like this should work (with proper modifications to use the input value in this reactive for the filt
reactiveObject <- reactive({
filt <- sample(c("All", unique(mtcars$carb)),1)
if (filt == 'All') {
data1 <- mtcars
} else {
data1 <- filter(mtcars, carb == filt)
Here is my try. If folt="All"
then there is no filter, otherwhise just the Cars with carb==filt
is returned.
filt <-sample(c("All", unique(mtcars$carb)),1)
data1<- mtcars
} else {
data1<- filter(mtcars, mtcars$carb==filt)
should do the trick