I need to show some progress bar or something while spawning and running subprocess. How can I do that with python?
import subprocess
cmd = [\'python\',\'w
Since the subprocess call is blocking, one way to print something out while waiting would be to use multithreading. Here's an example using threading._Timer:
import threading
import subprocess
class RepeatingTimer(threading._Timer):
def run(self):
while True:
if self.finished.is_set():
self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
def status():
print "I'm alive"
timer = RepeatingTimer(1.0, status)
timer.daemon = True # Allows program to exit if only the thread is alive
proc = subprocess.Popen([ '/bin/sleep', "5" ])
On an unrelated note, calling stdout.read() while using multiple pipes can lead to deadlock. The subprocess.communicate() function should be used instead.
As far as I see it all you need to do is put those reads in a loop with a delay and a print - does it have to be precisely a second or around about a second?