I have a sequence S :
S= \'ABCD\' % which means A
I want to convert S into a matrix M[i,j] which have to satisfy those con
From your question it appears you want
You can do that as follows:
n = 4; %// size
M = NaN(n); %// preallocate
M(1:n+1:end) = 0.5; %// fill diagonal
ind_lower = tril(true(n), -1); %// logical index for lower part
M(ind_lower) = 0.5*rand(n*(n-1)/2, 1); %// fill lower part
M_aux = NaN(n); %// auxiliary variable to fill upper part
M_aux(ind_lower) = 1-M(ind_lower).';
M_aux = M_aux.';
M(ind_lower.') = M_aux(ind_lower.'); %// fill upper part
Example result:
M =
0.5000 0.5214 0.7573 0.5999
0.4786 0.5000 0.9291 0.7891
0.2427 0.0709 0.5000 0.5421
0.4001 0.2109 0.4579 0.5000
Here's another similar approach:
n = 4;
M = tril(rand(n)*0.5, -1);
P = triu(1-M.', 1);
M = M + P + eye(n)*0.5;
M =
0.500000 0.987433 0.711005 0.944642
0.012567 0.500000 0.782633 0.902365
0.288995 0.217367 0.500000 0.783708
0.055358 0.097635 0.216292 0.500000