When I was using Flask, every API call is authenticated before processed:
app = connexion.App(__name__, specification_dir=\'./swagger/\', sw
Firstly, you have to move middleware_handler out from auth_through_token.
Then, Quote your code:
options = {'swagger_path': 'swagger/', "swagger_ui": True}
app = connexion.AioHttpApp(__name__, specification_dir='swagger/', options=options)
app.add_api('swagger.yaml', arguments={'title': ' ABCD API'})
app = web.Application(middlewares=[auth_through_token])
You have to remove the last line and change the first line to:
options = {'swagger_path': 'swagger/', "swagger_ui": True, 'middlewares': [middleware_handler]}
So finally the code should look like:
options = {'swagger_path': 'swagger/', "swagger_ui": True, 'middlewares': [middleware_handler]}
app = connexion.AioHttpApp(__name__, specification_dir='swagger/', options=options)
app.add_api('swagger.yaml', arguments={'title': ' ABCD API'})
async def middleware_handler(request: web.Request, handler: Any) -> web.Response:
headers = request.headers
x_auth_token = headers.get("X-Token")
app_id = headers.get("X-AppId")
user, success = security.Security().authorize(x_auth_token)
if not success:
return web.json_response(status=401, data={
"error": {
"message": ("Not authorized. Reason: {}"
response = await handler(request)
return response