I have written the following code to loop through all the images in a folder, create its negative and save it under a new similar name.
How can I do the same thing
You could take the following approach. This creates a new image 5 pixels bigger and pastes your original image into the new image offset by 5 pixels:
from PIL import Image
import PIL.ImageOps
import glob
shift = 5
files = glob.glob('path/*.JPG') # Use *.* if you're sure all are images
for f in files:
image = Image.open(f)
inverted_image = PIL.ImageOps.invert(image)
out = f[:f.rfind('.')]
# Shift the image 5 pixels
width, height = image.size
shifted_image = Image.new("RGB", (width+shift, height))
shifted_image.paste(image, (shift, 0))
shifted_image.save('%s-shifted.JPG' % out)
If you want the inverted images shifted, change as follows:
shifted_image.paste(inverted_image, (shift, 0))