I\'m using Spring Boot example to read the following from the properties file.
AF: {\'subRegionCd\' : \'34\', \'subR
Looks like you made a mistake after 'subRegionDesc',
, I think you mean using colon, not a comma here
With spring boot I suggest you to use ConfigurationProperties, instead of @Value
For example, in this case you have to:
put @EnableConfigurationProperties(SubRegionConfig.class)
to one of your spring configuration class.
Create config class:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "sub.region")
public static class SubRegionConfig {
private Map<String, SubRegion> data;
//getters and setters
Use .yml
instead of .properties
, like that:
subRegionCd: '34'
subRegionName: 'Southern Asia'
subRegionDesc: ''
subRegionStatus: 'A'
After that you can get every properties you want from SubRegionConfing
private SubRegionConfig subRegionConfig;
is more complex, but more flexible and preferrable to use in most cases.
The #{} operator sends data into spEL parser, what means it will try to convert data into its know types, based on spEL syntax as shown here in Spring Docs.
What happens is that the compiler is unable to convert any data into a SubRegion object:
Cannot convert value of type 'java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap' to required type 'com.xxxxxx.model.SubRegion': no matching editors or conversion strategy found
A simple workaround is to nest two Map Objects so you can populate your SubRegion objects after retrieving the values.
yourMap={'key1':{'nestedMapKey1:value', 'nestedMapKey2:value2'}}
In your .properties file with your code:
sub.region.data={'AF':{'subRegionCd':'34', 'subRegionName':'Southern Asia', 'subRegionDesc':'', 'status':'A'}}
and then, in your code:
private Map<String, Map<String, String>> subRegionsMap;
// (...) handling the SubRegion
My System.out.println(subRegionMap.get("AF"); outputed:
{subRegionCd=34, subRegionName=Southern Asia, subRegionDesc=, status=A}