I have a problem with the cassandra db and hope somebody can help me. I have a table “log”. In the log table, I have inserted about 10000 rows. Everything works fine. I can
That error message indicates a problem with the READ operation. Most likely it is a READ timeout. You may need to update your Cassandra.yaml with a larger read timeout time as described in this SO answer.
Example for 200 seconds:
read_request_timeout_in_ms: 200000
If updating that does not work you may need to tweak the JVM settings for Cassandra. See DataStax's "Tuning Java Ops" for more information
count() is a very costly operation, imagine Cassandra need to scan all the row from all the node just to give you the count. In small amount of rows if works, but on bigger data, you should use another approaches to avoid timeout.
Example of one of such queries:
select day, date, ip, iid, request, src, tid, txt from test.log where day='Saturday' and date='2017-08-12 00:00:00' and ip='127.0 0.1'
If you need just to calculate count and nothing more, probably has a sense to google for tool like https://github.com/brianmhess/cassandra-count
If Cassandra refuses to run your query without ALLOW FILTERING that mean query is not efficient https://stackoverflow.com/a/38350839/2900229