Hi is there any way to write below query in Yii query builder
SELECT t.email
FROM otz_user_header t
JOIN otz_customers r ON t.user_id
Yep, sure is. :-) Oh, you mean, how do you do it? ;-)
Start here: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/database.query-builder
$emails = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->from('otz_user_header t')
->join('otz_customers r', 't.user_id = r.customer_user_id')
… // some of this left out as an exercise for the reader
… // more left out here
array('and',new CDbExpression('cr.rating_date < CURDATE()')),
The CDbExpression item hasn't been tested, but the rest should work fine. Note: take a look at the documentation on where syntax, it gets a bit tricky. In essence, every AND/OR becomes another array line nested inside your original where array.