I have a batch file that opens a URL to download a csv file, then I need to move and then rename that csv form downloads folder to other one.
What I have is:
Based on my comment, you can give a try for this example to download a file with Certuil command
@echo off
Title Downloading a file using Certutil Command
Mode 70,5 & color 0A
SET CCDIR=%userprofile%\Desktop
SET LOADDIR=%userprofile%\Downloads
set "url=https://download.sysinternals.com/files/PSTools.zip"
ECHO ******************************************************************
ECHO Please wait a while ... Downloading the file ...
ECHO ******************************************************************
Call :download %url% %LOADDIR%
Rem Moving the downloaded file from the folder Downloads to Desktop
move /Y "%file%" "%CCDIR%\">nul
Rem Open the desktop folder with explorer
Explorer "%CCDIR%\"
goto :eof
:Download <Url> <File>
Set url="%~1"
Set file=%2\%~nx1
certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f %url% %file%>nul
Rem Deleting cache
certutil -urlcache "%~1" delete>nul
Rem Check referenced urlcache is deleted
certutil.exe -v -urlcache -split "%~1">nul
exit /b