I\'m trying to use one script for the communal storage of \"global\" variables, and other scripts can require that script to see those variables, but that appears to not be
One way to accomplish what you are trying to do is to use a singleton type object as your "global" memory space and let's say this file is named NodeGlobalVars.js.
exports.NodeGlobalVars = NodeGlobalVars;
function NodeGlobalVars()
//only do this if this is the first time the object has been used
if(typeof(NodeGlobalVars.SingleInstance) === "undefined")
this.GlobalVariable1 = 1;
this.GlobalVariable2 = 2;
//set to this so we won't create more objects later
NodeGlobalVars.SingleInstance = this;
return NodeGlobalVars.SingleInstance; //return the single instance variable
Now in other files you want to get that data from and modify it, you can do the following in as many different files as you want:
var NodeGlobalVars= require('../NodeGlobalVars/NodeGlobalVars.js').NodeGlobalVars;
//now get access to the NodeGlobalVars
var Globals = new NodeGlobalVars();
//now log the state of GlobalVariable1 and modify the value of GlobalVariable2
console.log("Global1: " + Globals.GlobalVariable1);
You can modify the data freely from any other file and they will all point back to the same memory. In effect, you have created global memory space for a node application and have done so using a nice convenient like namespace Globals on the front of it to make it apparent that it is global.
Now, whether you should do this or not, that's another question.
Do not attempt to use globals in node.js. Also note that require
will reference a cached object and will not actually re-require the same file more than once.
Here's a pretty generic example of how you might start setting up a card game without using global variables
var SUITS = ["H", "C", "D", "S"],
RANKS = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"];
var Deck = module.exports = function Deck() {
this.cards = [1, 2, 3, ..., 52];
Deck.prototype.shuffle = function shuffle() {
// shuffle this.cards
Deck.prototype.dealCard = function dealCard() {
var id = this.cards.shift();
return {id: id, rank: RANKS[id%13], suit: SUITS[id%4]};
var Deck = require("./deck");
var Game = module.exports = function Game(numCards) {
this.numCards = numCards;
this.deck = new Deck();
Game.prototype.dealCards = function dealCards(player) {
for (var i=0; i<this.numCards; i++) {
// ...
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
var Player = module.exports = function Player(name) {
this.name = name;
this.cards = [];
Player.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype, {constructor: {value: Player}};
// ...
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter,
Game = require("./game"),
Player = require("./player");
var Session = module.exports = function Session(numCards) {
this.game = new Game(numCards);
this.players = [];
this.scores = [];
Session.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype, {constructor: {value: Session}});
Session.prototype.addPlayer = function addPlayer(player) {
// add the player
// deal the player some cards
// setup event listeners
player.on("score", function(points) {
this.addScore(player, points);
player.on("playerTurn", function(event) {
// ...
Session.prototype.addScore = function(player, points) {
if (this.scores[player.id] === undefined) {
this.scores[player.id] = 0;
this.scores[player.id] += points;
var Session = require("./session"),
numCards = 2;
var sessionInstance = new Session(numCards);
sessionInstance.on("addPlayer", function(player) {
// e.g.,
// setup a net.Server and fire "addPlayer" when a user connects