I have list of restaurant cuisines (HABTM) - when the user adds a restaurant, they choose from all the checkboxes of cuisines.
The checkbox inputs are set to float:l
Based on the comments, I've created a hopefully acceptable jQuery solution.
See: http://jsfiddle.net/svRmL/
var $element = $('#cuisines');
var $elementWidth = $element.find(' > .checkbox').outerWidth(true),
elementCount = $element.find(' > .checkbox').length,
$boxes = $element.find(' > .checkbox');
/* just for debug */
$boxes.each(function(i) {
//set resize function
$(window).resize(function() {
var perRow = Math.floor($element.width() / $elementWidth),
i, j, $thisColumn, inc;
$boxes.appendTo($element); //move elements out of columns from previous resize
$('.tempColumn').remove(); //destroy old columns
for (i = 0; i < perRow; i++) {
$thisColumn = $('<div class="tempColumn" />').appendTo($element).css({
width: $elementWidth,
float: 'left'
inc = Math.ceil(elementCount / perRow);
for (j = inc * i; j < inc * (i + 1); j++) {
}).resize(); //trigger resize function immediately