As Lankymart mentioned in the comments, you can loop through each character of your string and add a space. Here's a simple function that does that:
Function SpaceText(p_sText)
Dim iCounter
Dim sSpacedText
sSpacedText = ""
For iCounter = 1 To Len(p_sText)
sSpacedText = sSpacedText & Mid(p_sText, iCounter, 1)
If iCounter < Len(p_sText) Then sSpacedText = sSpacedText & " "
SpaceText = sSpacedText
End Function
You can use this function inside your existing loop:
response.write(SpaceText(x) & "<br />")
Note that it doesn't add an extra space after the last letter so you need to factor that in when concatenating the values of your array.