I\'m building a project for a train schedule app, and I\'m using an API that returns an XML file,to manipulate the data i\'m using the library called SWXMLHash.
I ne
I used the below code in the SWXMLHash playground and it works on my machine:
// you need to model the ETD element as that has the destination and etd elements
class Etd {
var destination: String = ""
var estimates = [String]()
init(destination: String, estimates: [String]) {
self.destination = destination
self.estimates = estimates
// each station has a collection of ETDs (per the XML)
class Station {
var name : String
var etds = [Etd]()
init(withName name: String, etds: [XMLIndexer]){
self.name = name
for etd in etds {
destination: etd["destination"].element!.text!,
estimates: etd["estimate"].all.map { $0["minutes"].element!.text! })
var stationsTest = [Station]()
for elem in xml["root"]["station"] {
var stations = elem["name"].element!.text!
var stationPlaceHolder = Station(withName: stations, etds: elem["etd"].all)
Basically, it looks like what you were missing was the abstraction for the Etd
class - a station doesn't contain a list of destinations, but a list of Etds. Each Etd
then has both a destination and estimates by minute.