For example: I have this string
@[1234:peterwateber] hello hi!
I want t
I'm not entirly sure if there is a specific function just for that but what you can do is this: in example of the link (a href)
$raw = "@[1234:peterwateber]"
$thingtoreplace = ("@[");
$firstpass = str_replace($thingtoreplace, "<a href='", $raw);
$raw2 = $firstpass
$thingtoreplace = (":");
$secondpass = str_replace($thingtoreplace, "'>", $raw1);
$raw3 = $second
$thingtoreplace = ("]");
$secondpass = str_replace($thingtoreplace, "'</a>", $raw3);
I know it seems tedious but it should do the trick. If its not helpful then please dont rate me down... I spent time on this