I wanted to use the SendInput function from the windows Api in nodejs, using the FFI package.
My knowledge of C is limited so I can\'t really figure out what problem
I finally found a way to use node-ffi
to input key-presses using the SendInput
function! (current code below uses node-ffi-napi
, since node-ffi
has been unmaintained/broken; see edit history for node-ffi
version, the api is almost exactly the same)
However, note that there are two ways you can call the SendInput function, as seen here: https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=213617#p213617
In my case, I had to use the second (scan code) approach, because the first (virtual key) approach didn't work in the programs I needed the key simulation for.
Without further ado, here is the complete solution:
import keycode from "keycode";
import ffi from "ffi-napi";
import ref from "ref-napi";
import os from "os";
import import_Struct from "ref-struct-di";
var arch = os.arch();
const Struct = import_Struct(ref);
var Input = Struct({
"type": "int",
// For some reason, the wScan value is only recognized as the wScan value when we add this filler slot.
// It might be because it's expecting the values after this to be inside a "wrapper" substructure, as seen here:
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646270(v=vs.85).aspx
"???": "int",
"wVK": "short",
"wScan": "short",
"dwFlags": "int",
"time": "int",
"dwExtraInfo": "int64"
var user32 = ffi.Library("user32", {
SendInput: ["int", ["int", Input, "int"]],
//MapVirtualKeyEx: ["uint", ["uint", "uint", intPtr]],
const extendedKeyPrefix = 0xe000;
const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 0x0002;
const KEYEVENTF_UNICODE = 0x0004;
const KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE = 0x0008;
//const MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC = 0;
export class KeyToggle_Options {
asScanCode = true;
keyCodeIsScanCode = false;
flags?: number;
async = false; // async can reduce stutter in your app, if frequently sending key-events
let entry = new Input(); // having one persistent native object, and just changing its fields, is apparently faster (from testing)
entry.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
entry.time = 0;
entry.dwExtraInfo = 0;
export function KeyToggle(keyCode: number, type = "down" as "down" | "up", options?: Partial<KeyToggle_Options>) {
const opt = Object.assign({}, new KeyToggle_Options(), options);
// scan-code approach (default)
if (opt.asScanCode) {
//let scanCode = user32.MapVirtualKeyEx(keyCode, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC); // this should work, but it had a Win32 error (code 127) for me
let scanCode = opt.keyCodeIsScanCode ? keyCode : ConvertKeyCodeToScanCode(keyCode);
let isExtendedKey = (scanCode & extendedKeyPrefix) == extendedKeyPrefix;
if (isExtendedKey) {
entry.wVK = 0;
entry.wScan = isExtendedKey ? scanCode - extendedKeyPrefix : scanCode;
// (virtual) key-code approach
else {
entry.dwFlags = 0;
entry.wVK = keyCode;
//info.wScan = 0x0200;
entry.wScan = 0;
if (opt.flags != null) {
entry.dwFlags = opt.flags;
if (type == "up") {
entry.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
if (opt.async) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
user32.SendInput.async(1, entry, arch === "x64" ? 40 : 28, (error, result)=> {
if (error) reject(error);
return user32.SendInput(1, entry, arch === "x64" ? 40 : 28);
export function KeyTap(keyCode: number, opt?: Partial<KeyToggle_Options>) {
KeyToggle(keyCode, "down", opt);
KeyToggle(keyCode, "up", opt);
// Scan-code for a char equals its index in this list. List based on: https://qb64.org/wiki/Scancodes, https://www.qbasic.net/en/reference/general/scan-codes.htm
// Not all keys are in this list, of course. You can add a custom mapping for other keys to the function below it, as needed.
let keys = "**1234567890-=**qwertyuiop[]**asdfghjkl;'`*\\zxcvbnm,./".split("");
export function ConvertKeyCodeToScanCode(keyCode: number) {
let keyChar = String.fromCharCode(keyCode).toLowerCase();
let result = keys.indexOf(keyChar);
console.assert(result != -1, `Could not find scan-code for key ${keyCode} (${keycode.names[keyCode]}).`)
return result;
To use it, call:
KeyTap(65); // press the A key
Or, if you're using the keycode npm package:
import keycode from "keycode";
Here's a working example that presses the a
key. It employs ref-struct-napi
and ref-union-napi
to accurately represent the INPUT
const FFI = require('ffi-napi')
const StructType = require('ref-struct-napi')
const UnionType = require('ref-union-napi')
const ref = require('ref-napi')
const user32 = new FFI.Library('user32.dll', {
// UINT SendInput(
// _In_ UINT cInputs, // number of input in the array
// _In_reads_(cInputs) LPINPUT pInputs, // array of inputs
// _In_ int cbSize); // sizeof(INPUT)
'SendInput': ['uint32', ['int32', 'pointer', 'int32']],
// typedef struct tagMOUSEINPUT {
// LONG dx;
// LONG dy;
// DWORD mouseData;
// DWORD dwFlags;
// DWORD time;
// ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo;
const MOUSEINPUT = StructType({
dx: 'int32',
dy: 'int32',
mouseData: 'uint32',
flags: 'uint32',
time: 'uint32',
extraInfo: 'pointer',
// typedef struct tagKEYBDINPUT {
// WORD wVk;
// WORD wScan;
// DWORD dwFlags;
// DWORD time;
// ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo;
const KEYBDINPUT = StructType({
vk: 'uint16',
scan: 'uint16',
flags: 'uint32',
time: 'uint32',
extraInfo: 'pointer',
// typedef struct tagHARDWAREINPUT {
// DWORD uMsg;
// WORD wParamL;
// WORD wParamH;
const HARDWAREINPUT = StructType({
msg: 'uint32',
paramL: 'uint16',
paramH: 'uint16',
// typedef struct tagINPUT {
// DWORD type;
// union
// {
// } INPUT;
const INPUT_UNION = UnionType({
const INPUT = StructType({
type: 'uint32',
const pressKey = (scanCode) => {
const keyDownKeyboardInput = KEYBDINPUT({vk: 0, extraInfo: ref.NULL_POINTER, time: 0, scan: scanCode, flags: 0x0008})
const keyDownInput = INPUT({type: 1, union: INPUT_UNION({ki: keyDownKeyboardInput})})
user32.SendInput(1, keyDownInput.ref(), INPUT.size)
const keyUpKeyboardInput = KEYBDINPUT({vk: 0, extraInfo: ref.NULL_POINTER, time: 0, scan: scanCode, flags: 0x0008 | 0x0002})
const keyUpInput = INPUT({type: 1, union: INPUT_UNION({ki: keyUpKeyboardInput})})
user32.SendInput(1, keyUpInput.ref(), INPUT.size)
If you want to perform a single call to SendInput
that includes multiple key presses, construct an array of INPUT
const pressKey = (scanCode) => {
const inputCount = 2
const inputArray = Buffer.alloc(INPUT.size * inputCount)
const keyDownKeyboardInput = KEYBDINPUT({vk: 0, extraInfo: ref.NULL_POINTER, time: 0, scan: scanCode, flags: 0x0008})
const keyDownInput = INPUT({type: 1, union: INPUT_UNION({ki: keyDownKeyboardInput})})
keyDownInput.ref().copy(inputArray, 0)
const keyUpKeyboardInput = KEYBDINPUT({vk: 0, extraInfo: ref.NULL_POINTER, time: 0, scan: scanCode, flags: 0x0008 | 0x0002})
const keyUpInput = INPUT({type: 1, union: INPUT_UNION({ki: keyUpKeyboardInput})})
keyUpInput.ref().copy(inputArray, INPUT.size)
user32.SendInput(inputCount, inputArray, INPUT.size)
The "1" tells you that 1 event was inserted, not what the event actually is. I don't know about FFI but it seems to me that keyboardInput has some invalid type definitions. wVK and wScan must be 16-bit integers (hence the 'w' for WORD). Since they are typed the same as dwFlags (an 'int') that's cause invalid input values.