I am working with a large firebase database with at least 6 layers of hierarchy as well as many children for each node. I wanted to parse the entire snapshot and convert it
//this goes into your call (observeSingleEvent)
let enumerator = snapshot.children //assuming you use snapshot as name
while let rest = enumerator.nextObject() as? FIRDataSnapshot {
// this loops through every child in that map
let values = (rest as! DataSnapshot).value as? NSDictionary
let coins= values?["coins"] as? Int ?? 0
//above code looks for a key with username and grabs the value from that. If it is not a string value it returns the default value.
//use above code for picture 1
if (rest as! DataSnapshot).key == "slot"{
let enumeratorMap1 = (rest as! DataSnapshot).children
while let rest2 = enumeratorMap1.nextObject() as? FIRDataSnapshot {
let valuesMap1 = (rest2 as! DataSnapshot).value as? NSDictionary
//loop through values in new map
//use this methodes for looping through maps, as stated in picture 2
//keep repeating this method for any child under the map
Picture 1:
Picture 2: