I am working with an extremely large data set in a sparse matrix format.
The data has the filing format (3 tab separated columns, where the string in the first colum
I've no idea what arff is (nor do I need to know to help you transpose your text to a different format) so let's start with this:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN{ FS="\t" }
NR==1 { printf "@relation '%s'\n", FILENAME }
row = $1
attr = $2
if (!seenRow[row]++) {
rows[++numRows] = row
if (!seenAttr[attr]++) {
printf "@attribute \"%s\" string\n", attr
attrs[++numAttrs] = attr
score[row,attr] = $3
print "\n\n@data"
for (rowNr=1; rowNr<=numRows; rowNr++) {
row = rows[rowNr]
for (attrNr=1;attrNr<=numAttrs;attrNr++) {
attr = attrs[attrNr]
printf "%d,", score[row,attr]
print row
$ cat file
church place 3
church institution 6
man place 86
man food 63
woman book 37
$ awk -f tst.awk file
@relation 'file'
@attribute "place" string
@attribute "institution" string
@attribute "food" string
@attribute "book" string
Now, tell us what's wrong with that and we can go from there.